Tree Stump Films provides students with real-world experience in the planning, production, and broadcast of a documentary film.


Tree Stump Films (“TSF”) is the documentary film production company within Rocky Mountain Student Media Corp.

TSF teaches CSU students how to produce professional quality documentaries for broadcast (on RMPBS, at festivals, and online distribution). The content of the films strive to enlighten and educate the public about contemporary and historical issues relevant to today’s society.


Tree Stump Film Festival @ CURC

Tree Stump Films hosts an annual film festival in partnership with Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity, is an annual event held in April that showcases the creativity and scholarship of undergraduate students across various disciplines. The showcase culminates in a closing ceremony that recognizes all participants and honors award winners from events throughout the year. Any undergraduate student with a video production of any kind is welcome to submit. For further information visit CURC.


CSU Majors, Classroom experience, assignments and grades

CSU offers a myriad of important courses relating to filmmaking. Journalism, Communications and several other courses are offered of interest to students in any given academic year. 

Tree Stump Films is open to any student interested without the requirement of taking a particular class and does not require prerequisites. 

The documentary film process requires a myriad of talents all working together. In the classroom environment students are required to work independently and in some cases in groups but the projects are tested and graded based on the individual students’ efforts. Once finished it is on to the next class project. 

 The idea of replicating a professional documentary film company is unique as it allows students to work in their respective field of interest adding talent not present in the group. Inclusion of any majors allows for History Student trained in research to work with Journalism camera operators, editors, Art Department animators and English major writers on projects throughout a semester and present their work at the end of the semester. 

It also allows First, Second, Third- and Fourth-year students to work together on projects without admission requirements other than their individual talents. As an example, First-year student cannot apply for some CSU courses before they take prerequisite courses but if they have acquired the skills in editing or camera in High School, they can apply to participate in the Documentary Film Program at RMSM.

Students are required to be enrolled at CSU but not required to be employees at RMSM. Students can apply through Practicum, Work Study, volunteers or as paid interns depending on funding. 


Because of prerequisites in the individual majors not all aspects of the classroom allow for different majors to access the overall skills that are required in documentary filmmaking. Tree Stump Films offers workshops that are not attempted to duplicate courses already offered at CSU.


The RMSM Documentary Program will provide:

Workshops enhancing the education of students at CSU specific to documentary filmmaking.

  • Advanced Interview techniques for documentary film
  • Story Structure and character development 
  • Scriptwriting for documentaries
  • Lighting, sound and camera for documentary film
  • How to pitch a documentary film
  • Documentary film financing and fundraising
  • How to start, fund and operate a professional documentary film company


Each semester CSU students can apply online through Handshake.

Students will be interviewed by the Student Director and the RMSM advisor. The application is open to any interested CSU student. Students that have watched documentary films and have an interest in how films are made get the opportunity to participate “from the inside”. 

Prior skills and passion in documentary filmmaking is highly encouraged.




Advocacy Award from 2021 Front Range Film Festival

Becoming Kaz Smith

Best Short Award from 2021 Front Range Film Festival


Official Selection from South Dakota Film Festival

Complexity of Life

Official Selection from Colorado Short Circuit Film Festival

Becoming Kaz Smith

Official Selection from South Dakota Film Festival

Becoming Kaz Smith

Screening at National Art Materials Convention in 2022


Official Selection from My Hero International Film Festival

DIY: Fort Collins

First Place Best non-Advertisement Multimedia Project from College Media Business and Advertising Managers

Becoming Kaz Smith

Official Showing at 2022 TEDxCSU


Official Selection First Place - Short Documentary from College Media Association

Becoming Kaz Smith

Finalist in My Hero International Film Festival 2022

Becoming Kaz Smith

Official Selection from Colorado Short Circuit Film Festival


Official Selection of Through Student Lens ACT Film Festival

Becoming Kaz Smith

Official Selection from 2021 Front Range Film Festival

DIY: Fort Collins

2022 Awards of Excellence from Colorado Broadcast Associations

DIY: Fort Collins

Official Selection from Chicago Southland Film Festival


Finalist College Documentary My Hero International Film Festival


Official Selection from South Dakota Film Festival

DIY: Fort Collins


The Tree Stump Films Team for 2024 - 2025


Executive Director: Carolina Graves

Carolina is a junior in Journalism and Media Communications with a minor in business administration. She has worked as a production assistant at Boulder Media House in Denver, Colorado and ICÒNIC Films in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for leadership and managing exciting productions. Carolina loves her role of being the executive director of Tree Stump Films and to be working with such an amazing crew to create extraordinary documentaries.

Head of Production: Giovanna Paterno

Giovanna is a senior in natural resource management. Previously, she attended film school in Nashville where she often gaffed in student productions. She is passionate about producing stories in a creative perspective. She is excited to be working with TSF to push the boundaries of what documentary filmmaking can be.


Frank Boring

Frank Boring was born in China and has traveled extensively pursuing a career in writing, theater and video. With an extensive career in Film, Frank Boring was most recently hired by Tony Frank to produce a documentary celebrating CSU’s 150 years. The Great Experiment, CSU at 150 was broadcast on Rocky Mountain PBS in October 2020.

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